Version 20.0.0 Features

System Requirements#

Windward Designer
  • Windows
  • Office
  • .NET Framework 4.6.1 or later

Access tag data through API call#

Our top requested functionality on the ideas page was the ability to extract tag data from a Windward Template using an API call. This functionality is now available in the 20.0.0 Windward release.

Java Engine: Read More Here

.NET Engine: Read More Here

RESTful Engine: Read More Here TODO This page needs to be added to restful engine doco

HubSpot as a Datasource supported through CData#

Windward now supports connecting to HubSpot as a Datasource using the third party CData connector. Read More Here TODO Move this page too

Searchable data trees#

Search functionality was added for OData and Salesforce data trees. Users can now search for nodes in the Tag Editor, Wizard, and Data Bin for these Datasources.

Break tag supported in HTML template#

This HTML tag is now supported so that font will not change on the new lines indicated in the HTML. Read More Here

Added support for list-style-type attribute in HTML template#

This added attribute is supported in <ol> and <ul> tags Read More Here

Added output types#

Support of additional output types of PS, SVG, EPS, BMP, PNG, JPG, GIF, and TIFF was added. Read More Here

PDFs can be joined in development and test environments#

Users of the dev and test engines can still perform PDF joins on PDFs otherwise locked for editing. Read More Here

Automatic Data Schemas#

The old Windward functionality of "Build SQL Schema" has been expanded to all data connections, and is built automatically. Users connecting to data will still need to wait the first time they connect to their data for this schema to be built, but then all future uses of that named data connection will be instantaneous. Read More Here

Re-write of Connection Editor#

The Connection Editor in Designer was re-written

License key can be specified in RESTful request body#

Users can now specify their license key to be used to generate a report in the request body of their REST request. Read More Here

Pro Engine re-attempts connection to license server#

The Windward Engine licensed through the Pro subscription will now make attempts to contact the license server again after a failure.

Pro Engine logs error when a connectivity issue occurs during license validation#

When license validation fails with a connectivity issue, an error is now logged indicating this as the problem.

A Windward Solo license can be used in an Engine#

A Windward Solo user can now use their license key in an Engine. Output from the engine will count against their allotted pages.

Designer installer will install .NET v4.6.1 if missing on machine#

Now when running the Designer installer, the .NET v4.6.1 dependency will be installed if it is missing on the users computer.