Version 21.5.1 Release Notes
You can access the download to this release here
Customer Reported Defects[ATE-5703]
CLONE - HD#30098,HD#30114-JSON data source window blank in Excel and PowerPoint
HD#30390 - Blank pages and footer page number issues in PDF output
HD#30367-Error when generating document on Java RESTful engine
HD#30371 - Text is overlapping in PDF output
CLONE - HD#30356 - Text after hyperlink is displayed incorrectly in blue and underlined
HD#30346 - Checkmark not the correct color in PDF output
HD#30344 - Formatting issue with Word pages field code in PDF output
HD#30331-HTML not honored in PDF or DOCX output when upgrading from to
HD#30161 (2) - Early break in page when using line break
HD#30290 - Error when importing child template containing lists
HD#30326 - Extra cells added at the end of rows with foreach tags and horizontal merges
HD#30255 - Text overlapping in PDF output
HD#30250 - URL Link Generation for Images in HTML Templates
CLONE - HD#29403,HD#29742 - Table issues when End ForEach Tag deleteRow property set to true
CLONE - HD#29556 - Text is overlapping another cell in PDF output
HD#30233 - Unable to cast object of type 'net.windward.format.pdf.output.pdf.PdfName' to type 'net.windward.format.pdf.output.pdf.PdfString'. (InvalidCastExcept
HD#30271 - Extra Pages Added
Clone - HD#29540 - Bold formatting is not applied in the template but the DOCX output applies bold formatting
HD#30226 - Variable of ForEach tag selecting Custom function, cannot be evaluated/used in nested loops
HD#30256-REGEXEXTRACT macro not returning all matches
HD#30227 - Using the rename all references of a var, after changing its name, breaks all Tags that use it
HD#30221 - Extra series added to chart legend in PDF output
HD#30076 - Time format not showing the correct seconds.
Null Pointer Exception on output for ticket ATE-5229: Converting date to UK format
HD#30179 - Text is overlapping in PDF output
HD#30188 - Message received indicating .XLSX output needs to be repaired
HD#30190 - Message received indicating .XLSX output needs to be repaired
HD#30187 - Text is overlapping in PDF output
HD#30161 - Different line spacing interpretation when using a line break or a paragraph break
HD#29166 - Receive IndexOutOfBoundsException using Macros with some json data sources.
HD#29835 - TagException received when trying to generate output
Internally Reported Defects[ATE-5636]
"Element Para does not start with an ElementChar" error thrown
JSON wizard gives correct select for unnamed arrays at the root
New Functionality Development[ATE-5683]
Upgrade JSOUP java library to 1.14.3 to address CVE issues
Return Error object when trying to get document that failed due to error
Allow indication of boolean or string comparison when JSON value is "true" or "false" in the JSON Wizard filters
HD#30005 - HTTP/S requests retry on failure
Allow Different Charts to be shown when associated with a for-each tag for each row of data
Datasets no longer are required to be passed to the Engines when processing