Version 22.2.1 Release Notes
You can access the download to this release here
Customer Reported Defects[ATE-6252]
HD#30975 - Issue with images
CLONE - HD#30821-xpath exception
HD#30865 - table inside a table - horizontal borders are doubled just before the page change
HD#30857-Template throws exception when generating PDF output DOCX is fine
HD#30813 - Color of line in chart changes in .PDF output
HD#30845-PNG-imports not showing up in the right places with version
HD#30800 - HTML text formatting issues
HD#30795-Java RESTful engine using font.files and but those settings are being ignored
HD#30746 - SWITCH CASE Tag in PowerPoint
HD#30772 - Checkbox issue
HD#30713 - PDF output not displaying full section text
HD#30727 - Exception received: Could not convert the data '2019-01-07 00:00:00.000' to a DATE using the pattern yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.sss
HD#30456 Absolute positioned objects and text boxes placed incorrectly in pdf output
HD#30689 - TEXT function used in Set Tag not carrying over to other Set Tags
HD#30693 - Partial Restrict Editing locks entire output instead of the partial parts when generating from Designer
HD#30668-PDF Text Wrapping for Arabic Language breaks too early
HD#30670-PPTX template throws a Null pointer exception with only two tags on the slide
HD#30380 - Footer and page count issues
HD#30026 - Date formatting issue
HD#30027,HD#30189 - Watermark image is overlapping the header in PDF outpuT
Internally Reported Defects[ATE-6261]
CLONE - License Key in header doesn't work in .NET restful engine
PDFNet initialized incorrectly
Template "foreach_tag_SQL.pptx" fails to generate output
Template "foreach_tag_SQL.docx" fails to generate output
Out Tag Template HTML Span tag doesn't continue with previous run props
Out Tag Template HTML Closing font tag doesn't revert run props
When running WesternSlope Template.xlsx, when changing the properties of the tag, the formatting is not retained on output.
Check boxes using form fields and Tags are not checking the box correctly
New Functionality Development[ATE-6156]
Remove SystemWrapper.LaunchFile()
Remove ProgramResults from Kailua
Deprecate ProcessReport constructors that also create a data source
Fix get error method in .net restful client
Upgrade to latest version of net.minidev_json-smart lib in java engine
Java RESTful Engine S3 Plugin Sample
Upgrade to latest version of ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll
Use latest version of PDFTron SDK
Move all code samples from Catapult to GitHub
Allow .NET RESTful process call to specify which version of XSNV to use for processing
Allow JAVA RESTful process call to specify which version of XSNV to use for processing