Version 20.0.0 Release Notes


You can access the download to this release here

Customer Reported Defects#

[ATE-2157] - CLONE - HD#25216, 26024 - Check box size is wrong in PDF output

[ATE-3105] - HD#26893 - Problem with multiple Input Parameters and data sources in RESTfulEngine.CSharpClient API

[ATE-3197] - HD#26849 - Import template from secured location error

[ATE-3205] - HD#27127 - XPath 2.0 if/then/else expression incorrectly evaluates to false

[ATE-3207] - HD#27165 - Table of Contents font size in DOCX output is different than font size used in the template

[ATE-3223] - HD#27173, #27638 - When Excel opens a dialog comes up and says that a link needs to be updated

[ATE-3229] - HD#27130, #27273 - Error: Invalid attempt to Read when reader is closed after creating ForEach loop

[ATE-3266] - HD#27185 - Table header row appearing beneath the table

[ATE-3271] - Webinar - Using the Wizard to set up the Sum function no longer adds data() to the query

[ATE-3285] - HD#27260 - Out Tags falsely indicates that their ForEach Tag select returned 0 rows

[ATE-3296] - HD#27286 - PPTX output resulting in TinyException and NullReferenceException

[ATE-3297] - HD#27285 - PDF output results in "Cannot extract the embedded font" message

[ATE-3298] - HD#27287 - Extra first blank page added to the PDF output

[ATE-3304] - HD#27294 - Data for error bars in bar charts not being set in the rendered chart

[ATE-3306] - HD#27304 - Corrupt Excel output is being generated

[ATE-3324] - HD#27284 - SQL Interpreter states a query defining a data set is invalid when it's not. (invalid)

[ATE-3328] - HD#27214 - ForEach Tag Preview Incorrectly Shows One Row Returned

[ATE-3341] - HD#27296,HD#27413 Semaphore Example Still Throws Exception Running on too many cores licensed for 2 running on 4

[ATE-3342] - HD#27263 - Exception received when there is a hierarchyid field in a query

[ATE-3343] - HD#27330 - Designer generates unreadable output from Word .docm template

[ATE-3348] - CLONE - HD#25666 - Table of Contents page numbers along the right side do not line up when output to PDF

[ATE-3352] - HD#27250, #27358, #27490, #27537, #27570, #27621 - Font Changes in PDF output

[ATE-3357] - HD#27390 - Value label overlaps with bar in bar chart in PDF output

[ATE-3361] - HD#27380, 27219 - License Error: The Scout sever disallowed this report because Input string was not in a correct format

[ATE-3369] - HD#27400 - Rendering HTML in data source causes an exception in Designer after upgrade to

[ATE-3387] - HD#27436, #27622 - Windward is automatically hiding columns in Excel output file

[ATE-3393] - HD#27433 - PDF issue with Arabic text and braces

[ATE-3394] - HD#27444 - DOCX issue with Arabic text and braces

[ATE-3395] - HD#27332 - Index Out of bound exception

[ATE-3399] - HD#27450 - HTML bullet issue results in NullReferenceException

[ATE-3409] - HD#27434 - Regression issue on version related to querying

[ATE-3410] - HD#27461 - Generating output results in IndexOutOfRangeException

[ATE-3412] - HD#27435 - Regression issue on version related to NumberFormatException

[ATE-3432] - HD#27468 - After <br> HTML tag the font size changes

[ATE-3433] - HD#27376 - Space being added before and after H3 (Heading 3 style)

[ATE-3435] - HD#27498 - Text goes through the footer in PDF output

[ATE-3440] - HD#27337 - Designer output fails with NullReferenceException exception after upgrade to v16

[ATE-3442] - 27513-PDF output is left justified and the template is full justified

[ATE-3446] - HD#27508 - File gets corrupted after performing Clean Template

[ATE-3447] - HD#27524 - Output resulting in Word found unreadable content in Output

[ATE-3498] - HD#27567-Crash with PDF Output

[ATE-3501] - HD#27520 - Portion of table shrinked in PDF output

[ATE-3527] - 27615, 27691-Output results in an error

[ATE-3542] - HD#27611 - Arabic characters appear in the wrong position in DOCX output after applying

[ATE-3552] - HD#27647-Chart Legend in reverse order in both the Designer and Word Output PDF is correct

[ATE-3555] - HD#27574 - Generating output results in Object reference not set to an instance of an object

[ATE-3582] - HD#27690 - Output is resulting in NullReferenceException

[ATE-3583] - HD#27700 - Not all nodes can be selected in the XPath Wizard

[ATE-3612] - HD#27730 - PDF output doesn't follow paragraph settings in Word template

[ATE-3653] - HD#27807 - When cells inserted due to forEach are all horizontally merged, can thrown an exception

[ATE-3655] - HD#27812 - Exception thrown when images in the header or footer of an imported template

[ATE-3656] - HD# 27806: License server returns incomplete error message

[ATE-3659] - HD#27756 - Output results in Exception: Problem with psuedo for tag; subtype=INVALID_SELECT

[ATE-3669] - HD#27836-Unable to generate PPT output

[ATE-3786] - HD#28012 - PowerPoint Tags can't be edited or saved - JLL

Internally Reported Defects#

[ATE-471] - Connection Editor not showing Details for Active data source when first opening

[ATE-503] - Connection Editor focuses on Recent Inactive connection instead of newly added connection

[ATE-2217] - Circles are not fully circular in PDF output after a bug fix

[ATE-2333] - Solo: Opening the Batch Select Wizard after deleting the Batch Select query results in NullReferenceException received

[ATE-2554] - HD#26405 - Paging issue "Keep with next" not respected when generating PDF

[ATE-2642] - 26515 - Windward Functions - WEEKDAY and DAY not available for use

[ATE-2839] - OData sample template throws exception when outputting

[ATE-2843] - Report Designer | Help pop-ups for out tag types are wrong

[ATE-3091] - Solo: After adding schedule with "Monthly" and "Yearly" recurrence pattern received an error

[ATE-3192] - OData Erroring in Java RunReport - The file needs to be updated.

[ATE-3201] - Word found unreadable content…” appears for output

[ATE-3271] - Webinar - Using the Wizard to set up the Sum function no longer adds data() to the query

[ATE-3335] - Example Datasources disappearing from Connection Editor.

[ATE-3372] - Basic PowerPoint presentation exception on output

[ATE-3385] - Unable to select an attribute from XML2.0 datasource

[ATE-3408] - Set short_ver property to the correct version in build.xml

[ATE-3421] - RESTful engine metrics endpoint returns incorrect data

[ATE-3445] - Ribbon UI error

[ATE-3476] - Display useful info in Salesforce tooltip in MRU

[ATE-3478] - Sql Schema datasources are not working

[ATE-3486] - Loading template with datasources with incorrect url/file can't load child datasets

[ATE-3534] - Exception using DB2 to create a report

[ATE-3535] - Chart rendered to bitmap has way too many X axis values

[ATE-3543] - RESTful engine perpetual license key not working

[ATE-3554] - RESTful Subscription key not working and gives an erroneous .NET error.

[ATE-3556] - Flex license: Cache the license, don't count chart data backing spreadsheets in the page count

[ATE-3564] - Lurker is not writing installs to the Install table

[ATE-3596] - When merging in a child template and forcing it's character properties, was always overriding most

[ATE-3635] - Engine sends authorize machine request after autotag shutdown license server after autotag closing request is sent.

[ATE-3663] - Connection to PostgreSQL fails if spaces are in connection string

New Functionality Development#

[ATE-2355] - Access Tags through API

[ATE-2503] - Implement HubSpot C-Data connector

[ATE-2654] - Make Data Tree in OData Wizard searchable

[ATE-2698] - CLONE - Remove up/down buttons from Connection Editor

[ATE-2781] - Re-write connection editor in WinForms only

[ATE-2782] - Remove up/down buttons from Connection Editor

[ATE-2819] - Upgrade microsoft.identitymodel.clients.activedirectory

[ATE-2978] - Make named datasources for SharePoint and Dynamics

[ATE-3053] - Pro Engine re-attempt connection to license server in time limit after failure

[ATE-3124] - Include image location in 'bad image' exception messages

[ATE-3251] - Set "Windward" and "Windward Tools" ribbon names using an exposed registry entry

[ATE-3326] - RESTful Engine: Add support for any ADO.NET connector

[ATE-3347] - As a RESTful engine user, I can specify my license key when calling the engine API, so that I do not need to access the machine the engine is running on in order to specify my license key.

[ATE-3362] - Users can make a data schema file for a Salesforce connection

[ATE-3363] - Users can make a data schema file for an OData connection

[ATE-3365] - Save data schema metatree per machine instead of per template

[ATE-3367] - Data schema built automatically when connecting to data source

[ATE-3370] - Dataset stored in data schema file when one exists

[ATE-3371] - Updating a Datasource/Dataset updates the Data Schema file

[ATE-3376] - Engine output to PS, SVG, EPS, BMP, PNG, JPG, GIF, TIFF

[ATE-3392] - Display license expiration date as yyyy-mm-dd

[ATE-3401] - Installers offer solution if .net framework 4.6.1 if missing on target computer

[ATE-3420] - Make Data Tree in Salesforce Wizard searchable

[ATE-3448] - Improve logging: Log stack trace and inner exceptions

[ATE-3496] - Remove AutoTag2007 from version 20

[ATE-3500] - Allow joining of PDFs together when using non-production licenses

[ATE-3505] - Remove unused help buttons in Windward Designer

[ATE-3516] - Add Postgre as a pre-installed datasource connection MRU

[ATE-3537] - Support list-style-type tag attribute to output from imported HTML template

[ATE-3538] - Alert Pro Engine users of a license validation issue due to connectivity each time the license validation fails

[ATE-3545] - Chart tag select editor does not show data for error markers

[ATE-3550] - Improve logging: No longer show fonts in logs

[ATE-3559] - Build utility to troubleshoot customer installation problems

[ATE-3560] - Allow Solo license to be a flex license for the engines

[ATE-3619] - Change AutoTag to Windward Designer in all Installation windows.

[ATE-3622] - Update Report Designer "Evaluation Key Expired" dialog to match the level of modernization in the product

[ATE-3623] - Update Report Designer "License Key Required" dialog to match the level of modernization in the product

[ATE-3658] - Improve logging when import tag fails

[ATE-3679] - Font Size Constant after a <br> HTML Tag in a DOCX File